Why we Exercise
1. Flexibility 2. Decreases risk of injury 3. Can help posture 4. Balance 5. Coordination 6. Improves
blood circulation throughout the body
Stretching Precautions!
1. Always warm-up!! If not you are at a greater risk of pulling a muscle, and it will not enable you to stretch
to your maximum and receive a good work-out.
2. Stretching takes time and energy. Do not stretch before you go to bed,
as it will cause poor sleep habits. Stretch lightly in the morning, and wait until you have a set aside block of time to stretch
to your maximum.
3. Results vary for every person. Just because you do the same stretches as your friend doesn’t
mean that he/she and you will achieve the same goal at the same time. Be prepared for jealousy if you stretch with a friend!